Thus the armor and weapons of such Daedra as the Dremora, Xivilai, and Golden Saints-what Doctor Lupus calls the 'humanoid' Daedra-consist of familiar Tamriel-style cuisses, breastplates, and pauldrons, swords, spears, and bows. (In Black Marsh we see such things differently, of course, but these are the beliefs of the Professor and Lady Alfidia.) That is a capability inherent only in the Aedra, and in we mortals of Nirn, to whom they gave it as a gift. They can imitate, they can exaggerate, and they can corrupt, but they cannot create anything new. The Daedra, as the Professor has so often remarked, are creatures of chaos, entities of great energy and force but entirely lacking in originality. And as I can now hear the Professor's voice whispering in my ear almost constantly, it is time to conclude these notes and move on to telling the story of his travels through the doors of Oblivion. It is entirely appropriate that this last entry in Doctor Lupus' 'Crafting Motifs' series should be about Daedric arms and armor, as it is my belief that the absent Lady Alfidia has somehow journeyed to the Daedric planes of Oblivion in pursuit of my lost Professor Morian Zenas.
Metalworking, Tailoring or Woodworking level 50ĭestruction Suite, Relics of the Physician, Ansur, Arms of the Ancestors, Relics of the Rebellion and Night Mothers Embraceĭesks, Dressers, Backpacks, Trunks, Nightstands & Wardrobes (In all zones)